Educazione Interculturale (May 2020)

School and religion in Catalunya (Spain): speeches and practices

  • Nuria Llevot Calvet,
  • Olga Bernard Cavero

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 18, no. 1
pp. 16 – 27


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Results of some research projects that investigate how cultural and religious diversity is being worked on in schools in Catalonia (Spain). We will focus, basically, on exploring teachers' thinking on these issues and how the subject of religion and religious culture is being implemented. For this reason, a mixed methodology was chosen (380 surveys by means of telephone interviews with representatives of the management team and complemented by 25 in-depth interviews with teachers and professionals that have allowed us to gain more insight into how the schools are working). Thus, after presenting the state of the question, the quantitative part gives a general overview of the public schools, and the qualitative part focuses on the schools where this work of coexistence in religious diversity is most evident, both in the public schools and in the private subsidised schools (supported by public administration funds). The debate is between whether religious culture includes all religions or the possibility of being able to choose one's own religion as one more subject.
