Известия высших учебных заведений: Геология и разведка (Sep 2019)
Filtration of the underground water to the workings of a large diameter
An approximate solution obtained by the author for the problem of the flow of pressure groundwater to a large-diameter water receiving system with a disturbed aquifer with a constant flow rate has been given. The solution has been obtained using the most general method of finding approximate solutions — the method of integral relations of G.I. Barenblatt. Comparison of the computational results based on an approximate solution with computations based on accurate and well-known approximate solution about the inflow of fluids (water, gas, oil) to large-diameter water receiving systems — «big wells» — «enlarged wells». This comparison has shown that an approximate solution provides a calculation of piezometric groundwater level lowering (with a known constant disturbance flow rate) at any point of the aquifer, and also at the wall of the receiving system, with a relative error of less than 5 % for a wide range of times from the beginning of the disturbance. The resulting solution has a disproportionately large area of application in comparison with the «big well» method traditionally used in hydrogeological practice.