Sport TK (Mar 2016)

Analysis of obligatory measures against anthropic risks in Spanish football stadiums

  • J. López-Fernández,
  • J. García-Unanue,
  • J. Luis Felipe,
  • P. Burillo,
  • J. Sánchez-Sánchez,
  • L. Gallardo



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Objectives: a) To develop a tool to check the level of compliance of Spanish football stadiums for the obligatory security measures against anthropic risks; b) to analyse and describe the current security state of six football stadiums (two per division). Methods: A dichotomic tool composed by 150 items divided in 10 categories was performed to analyse the situation of Spanish football stadiums. Results: There is a big heterogeneity in the percentage of compliance of the obligatory security measures among the stadiums analysed,from 2nd Division B (52%) to those of 2nd Division (85%) and 1stDivision (97%). The lower categories implemented are security plans (71%), high risk measures (69%), security documentation (67%) and technological means (61%). Conclusion: None of the six studied cases performed the 100% of the obligatory security measures. The tool used in this study can be useful for them to perform all the obligatory security measures.
