Sučasnì Informacìjnì Tehnologìï u Sferì Bezpeki ta Oboroni (Dec 2019)
Hybrid threats in cyber space: factors of influence on nature of emergence
The hybrid aggression of the Russian Federation against Ukraine posed a new challenge to the entire world community, both for the internal security of individual countries and for the collective security of intergovernmental organizations, the implementation of which shifted into cyberspace. His active influence on all spheres of life of modern man was the cause of both the development of its capabilities and the increase in vulnerability. The emergence of cyberspace as the newest theater of war requires a timely response, which is impossible without a comprehensive study of the phenomenon of hybrid threats in cyberspace. The article considers the historical, legal, political, economic, technological, informational and social factors influencing the nature of the emergence of hybrid threats in cyberspace. The analysis of the prerequisites for the emergence of hybrid threats in cyberspace. It is noted that they are interrelated and should be viewed through the prism of the evolutionary processes of transformation of society. It is noted that changes in geopolitical configurations, the redistribution of spheres of influence, political and strategic uncertainty lead to constant political, economic and informational pressure. This, in turn, entails the creation of high-risk areas in which the emergence and introduction of the newest hybrid threats in cyberspace is possible, therefore adequate actions are required to protect them. The actual problems of protection of existing and created databases in the state administration system of Ukraine, in particular in the control system of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, are identified. In addition, the main geopolitical processes that are influenced by the leading countries of the world for the purpose of obtaining a monopoly on certain information resources are covered. The main processes for which ongoing global monitoring is necessary are political, economic, military and environmental.