Jurnal Keperawatan (Dec 2010)
HUBUNGAN KARAKTERISTIK IBU HAMIL TRIMESTER I DENGAN MORNING SICKNESS DI POLIKLINIK KEBIDANAN DAN PENYAKIT KANDUNGAN BADAN PELAYANAN KESEHATAN RSU DR ZAINOEL ABIDIN BANDA ACEH TAHUN 2007 Relationship Characteristics I Trimester Pregnant Women With Morning Sickness and Disease In Polyclinic Midwifery Content of Health Services Agency RSU Dr Zainoel Abidin Banda Aceh 2007 Suwarni Program Studi Keperawatan Banda Aceh Poli Teknik Kesehatan Departemen Kesehatan Republik Indonesia Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam e-mail: [email protected] ABSTRAK Karakteristik ibu hamil trimester I terdiri dari umur, banyaknya anak yang dipunyai seorang wanita, berat badan, faktor kepribadian, kebiasaan merokok, ras ibu, pendapatan keluarga dan apakah ibu bekerja di luar rumah atau ibu rumah tangga. Karakteristik tersebut dapat memengaruhi gaya hidup ibu dalam menghadapi hal-hal yang baru termasuk morning sickness yang dialami oleh ibu hamil tersebut. Morning sickness adalah perasaan mual dan muntah pada ibu hamil, biasanya terjadi pada masa 3 bulan pertama kehamilan (trimester pertama). Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan antara karakteristik ibu hamil trimester I dengan morning sickness di Poliklinik Kebidanan dan Penyakit Kandungan Badan Pelayanan Kesehatan RSU DR Zainoel Abidin Banda Aceh. Desain penelitian bersifat deskriptif korelatif dengan pendekatan cross sectional studi dan menggunakan teknik incidental sampling. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dari tanggal 15-29 Maret 2007 pada ibu hamil trimester I yang berkunjung untuk memeriksakan kehamilannya di Poliklinik Kebidanan BPK RSUZA Banda Aceh terhadap 30 responden ibu hamil. Alat pengumpul data berbentuk kuesioner yang terdiri dua bagian yaitu bagian A berbentuk karakteristik ibu dan bagian B berbentuk data tentang morning sickness. Lembar kuesioner disusun dalam bentuk skala dikotomi. Pengolahan data dilakukan dengan menggunakan uji chi-squre secara manual. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian terhadap variabel independen yaitu karakteristik ibu diperoleh hasil umur berada dalam kategori dewasa awal sebanyak 24 orang (80%), pendidikan berada dalam ketegori tinggi sebanyak 17 orang (56,66%), pendapatan berada dalam kategori tinggi sebanyak 13 orang (43,33%) dan responden dalam kategori bekerja sebanyak 16 orang (53,33%). Gambaran variabel dependen morning sickness diperoleh hasil dalam kategori tidak morning sickness yaitu 19 orang (63,33%). Dari pengolahan data maka kesimpulan penelitian diperoleh hasil bahwa tidak ada hubungan yang bermakna antara pendidikan dan pendapatan ibu hamil trimester I dengan morning sickness serta ada hubungan yang bermakna antara umur dan pekerjaan ibu hamil trimester I dengan morning sickness di Poliklinik Kebidanan BPK RSUZA Banda Aceh 2007. Peneliti mengharapkan agar perawat memberikan informasi selengkapnya kepada ibu hamil trimester I morning sickness. Kata kunci: karakteristk ibu hamil trimester I, morning sickness. ABSTRACT The characteristics of trimester I of pregnant mother are consisted of age, how many childs a woman have, body weight, personality factors, smoking habit, ethnic, income and job. This characteristics can influences to the mother life style in faces the new things include morning sickness that happen by mother pregnant. Morning sickness is a feel of nauseated and vomited in pregnant, usually happened on first trimester. The purpose of the research design is ascertaining relations of characteristics of trimester I of pregnant mother with morning sickness in obstetric and gynecologic disease policlinic of Bodies of Health Service General Hospital of dr. Zainoel Abidin Banda Aceh. The research design is descriptively correlatively with cross sectional study approach and use the sample collection technique of incidental sampling. Data collecting was conducted from March 15th to 29th, 2007 in obstetric and ginecologic disease policlinic of Bodies of Health Rumah Service General Hospital of dr. Zainoel Abidin Banda Aceh for 30 respondents of trimester I of pregnant mother. The data collection device in the form of questionnaire that consisted of two parts namely part A in the form mother characteristics and part B is in form of morning sickness. Sheet of questionnaire was compiled in form dicotomy scale. Data tabulation was conducted used manually chi-square test. Based on the result of the research to the independent variables that is mother characteristics was obtained yields of ages are be in the beginning adults are as much 24 persons (80%), education is be in high category as much 17 persons (56,66%), income level is be in high category as much 13 persons (43,33%) and respondents have a job as much 16 persons (53,33%). The view of dependent of morning sickness was achieved the yield in no morning sickness category that is 19 persons (63,33%). From data tabulation so the the research conclusion are obtained the yields that there is no significant correlation between education and trimester I of mother pregnant income with morning sickness and exist the significant correlation between age and trimester I of mother pregnant job with morning sickness morning sickness in obstetric and ginecologic disease policlinic BPK RSUZA Banda Aceh 2007. The researcher also suggested for the further research to studying the other factors that influences to morning sickness. Keywords: characteristics of trimester I of pregnant mother, morning sickness