Revista Cubana de Estomatología (May 2014)
Frequency of oral diseases diagnosed at the University Dental Clinic
Introduction: the study of the frequency of diseases, including those affecting the maxillofacial region, is of fundamental importance to clinicians, epidemiologists and managers to formulate a profile of the most prevalent health problems and needs of a particular region. Such epidemiological studies reveal the prevalence of many diseases and particularize the distribution of these characteristics depending on the region or location being analyzed. Objective: the present study aimed to assess the frequency of oral lesions diagnosed in a dental clinic in the city of Montes Claros MG, Brazil. Methods: a descriptive study was conducted in patients assisted at Department of Oral Diagnosis at Universidades Norte de las Unidas Mine, Funorte / SOEBRAS, Brazil from February 2010 to July 2012. Patients were characterized by: socio-demographic characteristics; systemic conditions; physical examination; habits and addictions; characterization of oral lesions, procedures performed and the most frequent histopathologic diagnoses. Data were analyzed descriptively using SPSS version 17.0. Results: the study included 125 patients. Most patients were female (58.4%) aged 40 to 59 years (42.4 %), 88.2 % had no extra-oral lesions, the most prevalent occurrence of lesions was in lips (24.8 %) and 36.6 % were diagnosed with non-neoplastic proliferative. Conclusion: the more diagnosed and frequent oral pathologies were non-neoplastic proliferative processes.