Raumforschung und Raumordnung (May 2022)

Drei regionale Kooperationen im Langzeit-Lebens- und Adaptionszyklus: empirische Anwendung und Weiterentwicklung eines Modells

  • Christian Diller,
  • Guido Nischwitz



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Based on a developed life and adaption-cycle model of regional cooperations, the development of three German rural regions is examined (Altmark, Kiel, Kronach). The interaction of external and internal influencing factors explains the quite different development patterns of the three regions. As amain finding can be formulated that in the development of regional cooperation neither a general tendency towards stable structures nor towards stable spatial structures can be asserted. Rather regional cooperation structures can be eroded even after a longer period of stability, as well despite continuous support of the state. Variable spatial shapes of regional cooperations can be handled in a productive way particularly if the institutional, political and administrative structures of the base unit county are stable.
