مطالعات رسانههای نوین (Oct 2016)
Virtual networks, a context for counseling internship: Training and flourishing professional identity, facilities & obstacles
Most graduates in helping majors are faced the problem of developing professional identity process. The aim of this study was to investigate the role of virtual networks in flourishing occupational identity by internship and a qualitative study of facilities and obstacles to this approach. The method was qualitative with content analysis of interns’ answers about their internship experiences in cyberspace. The method of data collecting was semi-structured interview. The Statistical Society were students and graduates of helping majors across the country. Targeted sampling of 20 active interns was used for data collecting. According to the encoded findings, internship possibilities in virtual networks were classified on three main themes: cyberspace possibilities, the facilities provided by the counselor and features of the process (the interaction of cyberspace, interns and consultants). Speed Internet, lack of audio and video signals, reducing the effect of counseling, difficulty of typing, ambiguity in dialogue and mental engagement reduction, was identified as barriers. According to the current limited facilities, internship in cyberspace can be responsive as an auxiliary method, for the large number of Council members who are in line for a license.