Iranian Journal of Public Health (Mar 1979)
Iron deficiency anemia is one of the nutritional problems of the low income, undernourished populations of the world. In Iran, many rural and low socioeconomic urban groups suffer from iron deficiency anemia because of a low iron intake and the low level of public health. To overcome and to prevent iron deficiency, a program was suggested to enrich the bread with iron, calcium and some of the B vitamins. A study was undertaken to test the efficacy of such a program. Fifty families in the 13th District of Tehran Were contacted. All members of each household were considered as the subjects of the study. As participants, they received free bread in exchange I for samples of blood. Enriched bread was baked by one bakery located on the same street as eighteen of the families. Regular bread was baked by another bakery near ten families. At the beginning and after the termination of the program, blood samples were secured from individual members of the families. Hemoglobin, hematocrit, serum protein .fractions were determined. During the two months.