Türk Kültürü ve Hacı Bektaş Velî Araştırma Dergisi (Jun 2024)
This study is about the book titled Kosovo Lodges- Tombs and Tombstones with Inscriptions written by Raif Virmica. Kosovo lodges, tombs and tombstones with inscriptions, which reflect the architectural tradition and taste of the Ottoman period in the simplest style are included in this book. According to the author, since there have not been for any published works about these structures in Kosovo so far, these structures are subject to extensive research for the first time with this study and introduced to the science public. The purpose of this book, which we will try to introduce, is to identify and present the year of foundation, architectural features and functions of these structures in Kosovo, which have been neglected by both the science community and local people and the state, and sometimes destroyed deliberately , leaving no trace of them. The spread of Islam in the Balkans and Kosovo and the superior success of the Ottoman civilization determined the establishment, development and identity of most cities. In the book, it is stated that it is not known how many lodges have been built since the Ottomans settled in the region and up today, but it is stated that ten sects have been active in Kosovo and one hundred and three lodges have been built since the Ottomans left the region politically. It has also been emphasized that the sects identified in Kosovo are the Halveti Kadiri, Sadi, Melami, Rifai, Bektashi, Nakşibendi, Şazeli and Mevlevi sects and that the lodges belong to these sects. Since the issue of tombs in Kosovo has not been researched before, there is no exact information about how many tombs there are, but as a result of the research, it is stated that there are 350-400 tombs. A lot of detailed information related to 45 lodge tombs, 80 private tombs and the people buried there, the purposes of the visits, and interesting never - known narrations about the tombs and lodges has been revealed in this piece of work. The information given in this book was compiled by the author himself by visiting the lodges and shrines; and the lodges and shrines that still exist in Kosovo have been documented. This piece of work is a very important reference book for studies on the Balkans, specifically Kosovo, as it contains valuable and factual information. The book consists of 623 pages and includes the author’s biography, a short preface, three main chapters, bibliography and photographs.