Medicine (Jun 2022)
Evaluation of severe adverse events during rehabilitation for acute-phase patients
Abstract. Early mobilization decreases the likelihood of negative outcomes for acute-phase inpatients. Adverse events occurring during intensive care unit rehabilitation have previously been reported; however, no study has reported the incidence rates for adverse events during the acute rehabilitation phase. This study aimed to investigate the incidence of severe adverse events during acute-phase rehabilitation and evaluate them in detail. Reports of adverse events occurring during acute-phase rehabilitation in a university hospital from April 1, 2011 to March 31, 2018 were retrospectively assessed. Nine severe adverse events occurred during this period (incidence rate, 0.032%), comprising 2 cardiopulmonary arrests, 2 pulseless electrical activity events, 2 deterioration in consciousness events, 1 deterioration in consciousness event due to cerebral infarction, 1 fracture due to a fall, and 1 event involving removal of a ventricular drain. Pulmonary thromboembolism was implicated in 1 adverse event involving pulseless electrical activity and 1 deterioration in consciousness event. The causes for the 6 other adverse events could not be identified. The mean days from admission and the onset of rehabilitation to adverse event occurrence were 22.0 ± 18.2 and 17.9 ± 13.5 days (mean ± standard deviation), respectively. Four of 9 patients died, and 5 patients were discharged home or transferred to other stepdown facilities. When assessed retrospectively, there were no conflicts between patient conditions and the cancellation criteria of rehabilitation by the Japanese Association of Rehabilitation Medicine. The occurrences of severe adverse event may not be related to early mobilization (or onset time of rehabilitation) and compliance status of cancellation criteria.