Studi sulla Formazione (Dec 2022)
Minori vittime di abuso: la relazione educativa d’aiuto nell’infanzia
On the sidelines of a large research project, the article carries out some considerations on minors victims of abuse and maltreatment and on the educational relationship with them. First of all, a typology of abused minors is outlined, ranging from the very serious cases of psychotic decompensation, to the mildest cases in which the emotional dependence on the caregiver is not denied, passing through the cases in which a narcissistic pathology is developed. A typical dynamics of maltreatment is also described in today’s parent-child relationship, in which the abuse arises and originates from the parent’s inability to respond to the character problem of adaptation to the child’s social rules, which arose from an inability of the child. adult to meet his emotional needs. In the last part, the article explores the theme of the educational relationship of help with these minors, underlining the need of the educator to show the ability to contain the intense suffering of these children and their pathological defenses, at different levels of their problem, to put in place an experience of taking charge that performs a corrective and reparative function of the abuse suffered.