Известия высших учебных заведений. Поволжский регион: Физико-математические науки (Dec 2024)
Mass and rotation parameters of stars under conditions of dynamic equilibrium
Background. The research proposes an extended model of the dynamic equilibrium of stars, taking into account the inhomogeneous chemical composition of matter, as well as additional factors associated with oscillations of heat flow and hidden mass (“dark matter”). Materials and methods. To derive and analyze the equations of dynamic equilibrium of stars, the method of hydrodynamic markers or Lagrangian variables is used, supplemented by a new description of the classical gravitational field using marker fields, as well as new parameters characterizing the effect of hidden mass or dark matter. To describe the thermal properties of the medium, the assumption of quasi-a-diabatic processes in stars is used. Results. Temperature distribution equations that take into account the inhomogeneous chemical composition and their numerical solutions are analyzed using the model of the Sun as an example. Solutions corresponding to the distribution of zonal flow velocity for solar parameters have been calculated, and an analysis of these solutions has been carried out. General criteria for the stability of the zonal flow are obtained. From the stability condition, estimates of the latent mass type effect, which manifests itself only in the structure of the zonal flow, are obtained. Relations for the acceleration of free fall are derived, taking into account the indicated additional factors, for example, the massiveness of the particles of the medium. Generalized equations of dynamic equilibrium of the medium are obtained. Conclusions. The proposed model explains at a qualitative level the main characteristics of the temperature distribution in the Sun and its corona, including a temperature maximum of the order of 2 ∙ 106 [K] with a minimum in the photosphere of approximately 4800 [K]. The model indicates the significant role of new parameters of the gravitational field and heat flow in the formation of the distribution of the zonal flow (rotation) of stars.