Studia Iuridica Lublinensia (Mar 2020)
The Expiry of the Mandate of the Vogt Due to Being Fined for Non-compliance with the Obligation of Crisis Management. Gloss to the Judgement of the District Court in P. of 18 April 2019 (II K 1164/14)
The tasks concerning public safety and order, as well as flood protection, have been assigned by the legislator to the executive body of the municipality. Task standards alone, however, cannot constitute a sufficient legal basis for determining obligations of the authority within this scope, especially in the context of criminal-law assessment of their non-fulfillment. Such assessment requires a precise setting of the content of the competency standards since only such norms can establish obligations of the authority and constitute an instrument for carrying out the tasks. The legislator should clearly indicate the obligations incumbent on the authority, and the criminal court should determine the ones which have not been fulfilled giving a specific provision of law requiring a specific action.