Revista Brasileira de Educação (Jan 2005)
Reformas do Estado e da educação: o caso das escolas profissionais em Portugal
The creation of the vocational schoolsubsystem in Portugal constitutes aparticularly rich and complexillustration of the testing of newmodalities of provision of education.The features of this socio-politicalinnovation condensed some of the mainvectors that later assumed greatimportance in the transformationsundergone by the management of theeducation system in general. Moreover,the same is true in respect of thechanges verified by several areas ofsocial welfare policy; the vocationalschool subsystem was organised fromthe beginning on the basis of autonomy, privatisation, socialmobilisation and state regulation.These constitute crucial politicaltendencies whose development andarticulation can be found in differentforms in some of the changes producedin public services, including education,during the last decades, and with parti-cular force in recent years.