Jurnal Konstitusi (Jul 2019)

Konstitusionalitas Masa Tunggu Eksekusi bagi Terpidana Mati dalam Sistem Pemidanaan

  • Roni Efendi

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 16, no. 2


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Pasal 10 Kitab Undang-Undang Hukum Pidana menempatkan pidana mati sebagai salah satu pidana pokok. Pidana mati secara filosofis berorientasi pembalasan dan general prevention. Namun penerapannya memperlihatkan inkonsistensi dalam sistem pemidanaan, diktum putusan pengadilan memvonis pidana mati, melainkan eksekusinya adalah pidana penjara seumur hidup. Praktik penerapan hukum demikian menimbulkan ketidakadilan dan ketidakpastian hukum. Urgensi penelitian ini adalah untuk mengkaji bagaimana konstitusionalitas kedudukan hukum masa tunggu eksekusi bagi terpidana mati dalam perspektif sistem pemidanaan? Untuk menjawab pernyataan penelitian, Peneliti menggunakan jenis penelitian yuridis normatif dengan pendekatan doctrinal legal research, maka hukum harus dipandang secara komprehensif seperti asas, norma dan meta norma. Konstitusionalitas masa tunggu eksekusi bagi terpidana mati tidak diatur dalam undang-undang, secara yuridis terdapat beberapa faktor untuk menunda eksekusi, di luar faktor-faktor tersebut penundaan eksekusi merupakan inskonstitusional. Ketidakpastian hukum terhadap masa tunggu eksekusi merupakan disharmonisasi antara hukum materil dan hukum formil dan berdampak tidak tercapainya deterrent effect, keadilan serta kemanfaatan hukum. Sehingga perlu pembaruan hukum pidana dengan salah satu metode evolutionary approach, global approach dan compromise approach sebagai pedoman eksekusi pidana mati. The article 10 of Criminal Code put death penalties as one of the principal crimes. Philosophically, the death penalty is meant to be retaliatory and general prevention. However, its application shows inconsistencies in the criminal system. Decision of the court is a death penalty, but the execution is a life imprisonment. The practice of implementing such laws creates injustice and legal uncertainty. The urgency of this research was to examine how constitutionality of execution waiting period for the death penalty in the punisment system perspective. To answer the research question, researcher used a type of normative juridical research with a doctrinal legal research approach, so, the law must be viewed comprehensively as principles, norms and meta norms. The constitutionality of the waiting period for the execution of convicted death is not regulated by law. Juridically, there were several factors delaying execution. Apart from these factors, the delaying in execution is unconstitutional. Legal uncertainty over the waiting period for execution is a disharmony between material law and formal law. That has an impact on not achieving deterrent effects, justice and the benefits of the law. Therefore, it is necessary to reform criminal law with one method of evolutionary approach, global approach and compromise approach as a guideline for execution of death penalty.
