Educação: Teoria e Prática (Jun 2007)

Educação Ambiental e o Trabalho com Valores: reflexões sobre uma experiência de formação continuada

  • Dalva Maria Bianchini Bonotto,
  • Adriana Aparecida Dragone Silveira,
  • Aparecida José Carlini Bonilha,
  • Beatris Cristina Possato Gianei,
  • Giovana Aparecida dos Santos,
  • Luciane Aparecida de Oliveira,
  • Patrícia Cristina Rosalen,
  • Rosana Cristina S. Furtado Cupido

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 1, no. 1


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The present article shows the reflections of an elementary school teachers group of the Municipal Net of Rio Claro city about their experiences at an in-service teacher education program of Environment Education and the work with values. Considerations about the teacher education, teacher performance and the in-service educational programs are also presented.
