Journal of Zoonotic Diseases (Feb 2024)
Zoonotic diseases and the plight of public health awareness: a study on human perception
Zoonotic diseases are one of the primary public health concerns. Both developing and developed nations have experienced the resurgence of infectious diseases with zoonotic potential, leading to significant economic and human losses. This raises the question of how well the public is informed about zoonotic illnesses in the state, where several outbreaks have occurred in recent years. This study attempts to understand the awareness level of individuals in Wayanad district, Kerala, and their relation with gender and education. A cross-sectional study was conducted among 122 individuals belonging to different sectors and ages selected using power analysis and a well-structured questionnaire was propagated among individuals. The collected data were analyzed using simple mathematical percentages and hypothesis testing using the Chi-square test. According to the research, the majority of the people are uninformed of zoonotic illnesses, particularly Kyasanur Forest Disease, Japanese Encephalitis, West Nile Fever, Rabies, Avian Influenza, and Swine Influenza, which have the lowest awareness. The news media, which comprises print, television, and the internet, is the main information source for most people about these illnesses. Similarly, the study found a significant association between overall awareness and educational level. The study put forward the existence of low awareness regarding many zoonoses in the study area. It advises that the government should be more involved in raising public awareness by collaborating with veterinarians and healthcare professionals.