Vìsnik Žitomirsʹkogo Deržavnogo Tehnologìčnogo Unìversitetu: Ekonomìčnì Nauki (Dec 2016)
Audit stakeholder media market: the need for and characteristics of the organization
Active Ukraine media market development and its integration into the global market space cause a number of problems faced by scientists and practitioners in the fild of audit organizing of firms that saturate this market sector. The market research problems and organizing business parameters audit in this market are segmental in nature as the vast majority of work media market, accounting of its financial performance and its audit are dealt with separately, thus leaving aside the causal link between the trends of the industry and the specifics of audit of its subjects who in their turn represent different legal forms. The article deals with domestic and foreign experience of media market development for using it as marketing communications tools. The study takes the media companies organizational form as the basis for organizing and holding internal and external audits. The article summarizes the list of domestic audit challenges that accompany media market globalization. Therefore, the system that would efficiently respond to these challenges and, thereby, ensure effective company operation has great significance for the subjects of the media market taking into account their legal status and type of business.