Nordic Journal of Vocational Education and Training (Oct 2023)
Utvikling av profesjonskompetanse: Estetiske læreprosesser i yrkesfaglærerutdanning
The purpose of this study was to explore how experiences with aesthetic learning processes in vocational teacher education contribute to developing professional competence. This is grounded in theories of holistic experience, creative processes, and the development of professional digital competence. Qualitative data for this exploratory case study was generated in two focus group interviews among 10 teacher students in vocational teacher education, 2nd year of study. Using a thematic content analysis three categories emerged: ‘Encounter and courage’, ‘Creativity and images’, and ‘Digital competence and multimodality’. The results show that the students’ encounter with the aesthetic learning process leads to exploratory and critical thinking with an aesthetic quality. Taking part in this aesthetic learning process has led to experiences with holistic learning and in particular the emotional aspect of learning related to frustration, vulnerability, creativity, and spiritual development.