Studi sulla Formazione (Feb 2022)
Paulo Freire: from Brazil to Global Educators
Abstract. In this text, we develop reflections on some aspects of the work of the Brazilian educator Paulo Freire (1921-2021) in its original context, as well as relating it to the broader context of current educational scenarios. In a historical moment where the world is also wondering about the future of education, we find the opportunity to propose a critical reflection on the role of Freire’s pedagogy. The ideologies that had a great impact on Brazilian education throughout most of the 20th century are being renewed to adapt to new political and economic needs. And, for this renewal, Paulo Freire’s educational thought offers a very important and original contribution. The analysis of Freire’s pedagogical thinking allowed us to identify some aspects that we consider crucial to highlight the modernity and global reflection about Freire Method. The critical reflection expressed in the conclusions allows us to recognize the modernity in Freire’s pedagogy, basic assumptions for educators who interpret the challenges of a global community