Известия Саратовского университета. Новая серия: Серия «Экономика. Управление. Право» (Aug 2024)

Problems of the migration relations system in Russia as a manifestation of this system’s contradictions

  • Zemlyanukhina, Nadezhda Sergeevna,
  • Zemlyanuhina, Svetlana Georgievna,
  • Suvorova, Victoria Vasilievna

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 24, no. 3
pp. 262 – 274


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Introduction. The aggravation of migration problems both in Russia and in other countries actualizes the study of migration relations, identifying the causes and consequences of emerging problems. Research methodology. The research is based on a systematic approach, as well as provisions on the correlation of objective contradictions, problems and conflicts. Results. The manifestation of internal contradictions of various elements of the migration relations system, as well as contradictions between the elements of this system, in the problems of migration is revealed. In this aspect, the problems of shadow and unstable employment of migrants, the problems of migrants’ social dependency, the contradictory influence of migration on demographic processes and socio-economic development of Russia, on the preservation of Russian identity are considered. It is proved that adequate forms of resolving contradictions in the system of migration relations do not allow problems to escalate into conflicts, but promote equal coexistence of representatives of various national ethnic groups and cultures on the territory of Russia, effective participation of migrants in the economic, social and cultural life of Russian society. Migration flows have a contradictory effect on solving problems in the field of socio-economic development of the country: they stabilize the situation with labor resources, and reduce the quality of the workforce; resolve the contradiction between the needs of demographic reproduction of the Russian population and natural population decline and pose a threat to the preservation of Russian identity, etc. Conclusion. The imperfection of migration policy, its inadequacy to the challenges of the current migration situation, the lack of adequate forms of resolving the contradictions of this system lies at the heart of the aggravation of problems and tensions in migration relations, and the emergence of conflicts. Due to the fact that conflicts can lead to the intensification of extremist and terrorist activities with devastating consequences, in order to avoid them, society and the state must learn how to prevent conflicts in a timely manner and successfully resolve them so that migration processes can realize their positive potential.
