Journal of Medicinal Plants (Aug 2008)

Study on Effects of Cassia Angustifolia Vahl. Syrup on Liver and Kidney of Rat by Analysis of Biochemical Factors

  • H Rastegar,
  • HR Ahmadi-Ashtiani,
  • P Omidian,
  • S Bokaei,
  • Sh Rezazadeh

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 7, no. 27
pp. 115 – 122


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Background: Cassia Angustifolia Extract (CA) has indication as a colon irritant. For rapid and full action of this extract or their derivatives need to high dosage of them. CA can have toxic effects on different organ of body, therefore it is necessary to study effects of them on liver and kidney. Objective: In this study effect of Cassia Angustifolia syrup on liver and kidney of rat were assigned by analysis of biochemical factors which related to these organs. Method: 40 rats randomly divided in two groups with 20 members. First group was received 0.9 ml/kg CA containg of 1.85 mg CA extract in 30ml sterile water. Second group was received only 30ml sterile water. After 1, 24, 48 and 72 hours blood samples were taken from these groups and then analysis of biochemical factors related to liver and kidney activity were done. Also, the clinical conditions were recorded four times a day. Results: diarrhea as a clinical condition showed only in the first group during 72 hours. 1 hour after receiving CA or water in both groups the ALP, ALT and AST showed no changes but after 24, 48 and 72 hours these factors showed significant differences between two groups. There were no significant differences between bilirubin levels after 24 hours in both groups but there were after 48 and 72 hours. There were no significant differences in levels of nitrogen urea during 72 hours. Conclusion: Considering to significant changes showed by statistical analysis of biochemical factors which results in two groups after study and also due to no significant changes in clinical condition, We suggest more study about effects of CA is necessary.
