Vojnotehnički Glasnik (Oct 2014)
Logistics supply chains and their application/Lanci snabdevanja u logistici i njihova primena
Logistics is a set of activities for planning and implementing the relocation of materials. Since sources of raw materials, factories and outlets are not usually in the same location it is therefore necessary to conduct a series of logistics activities for supplying products or services to end users. Logistics manages the flow of data from suppliers, movement of materials through various operations within the organization as well as the flow of materials to final customers. Integrating these logistics activities is performed through supply chains which provide opportunities for cost saving and offering better services to customers. The supply chains in the Macedonian Army are an important factor in the planning and implementation of logistics support. / Logistika je skup aktivnosti kojim se vrši planiranje i realizacija premeštanja materijala. Imajući u vidu da se izvori sirovina, fabrike I prodajna mesta najčešće ne nalaze na istom mestu, neophodno je da se sprovede niz logističkih aktivnosti kako bi se proizvod ili usluga mogli naći na prodajnom mestu, odnosno u rukama kupca/korisnika. Logistika rukovodi protokom podataka od nabavljača, kretanjem materijala preko različitih operacija u okviru organizacija i protokola završnih materijala do klijenata. Integrisanje ovih logističkih aktivnosti realizuje se preko lanaca snabdevanja, kojim se pruža mogućnost uštede troškova i ponuda bolje usluge potrošača. Korišćenje lanaca snabdevanja u Armiji Republike Makedonije predstavlja značajan faktor pri planiranju i sprovođenju logističke podrške.