Journal of Urological Surgery (Jun 2023)
The Effect of the MAYO Adhesive Probability Score on Intraoperative Parameters in Laparoscopic Live Donor Nephrectomy and Bench Surgery
Objective:Mayo Adhesive Probability score (MAP score) is a nephrometry system to predict surgical difficulty using radiologic image-based measurements and interpretations. MAP score is based on two main factors: Perinephric fat thickness at the level of the renal vein and perinephric fat stranding, which was defined as a linear area of soft tissue attenuation in the perinephric space. This study evaluated the efficacy of the MAP score on intraoperative parameters of laparoscopic donor nefrectomy and bench surgery.Materials and Methods:Four hundred twenty-one laparoscopic live-donor nephrectomies (LDN) and subsequent bench surgeries carried out between 2016 and 2022 have been included in this study. Preoperative computerized tomography images of donors were blindly scored for determination of MAP scores. Sex, age, hypertension, cigarette smoking, dyslipidemia, and body mass index (BMI) were evaluated as risk factors for high MAPS.Results:In females and males, the percentage of donors in the high MAPS group was 11.79% and 25.32%, respectively, and the difference between the two groups is statistically significant. Similarly, the percentage of donors in the high MAPS group is higher in smokers (42.57%) compared to non-smokers (8.75%) (p<0.05).Conclusion:Although a high MAP score can lead to longer operative time both in LDN and bench surgery, complications in LDN and bench surgery do not seem to be affected by a high MAP score.