Современные информационные технологии и IT-образование (Jul 2019)
The Possibility of Artificial Intelligence in the Development of the Third Mission of Universities
One of the main goals of the modern development of universities in the world is to promote social, cultural and economic development of the society in which these institutions operate through the creation, implementation, expansion, dissemination and use of new knowledge, establishing direct relationships with the region and all its components, which, in turn, provide the basis for the development of education itself, based on projects to solve real problems. At the same time, the assessment of the involvement of the University in the solution of actual problems of the region is carried out on the basis of theoretical designs, models and criteria that form the "signs (indicators) of success". This approach strengthens the position of the University as a driving force of innovation and development of the region at any level, and one of the main roles here can be played by the network development of universities, based on the intellectual analysis of data on the current state, on the one hand, of the science in the University and, on the other hand, the situation in the economy and social sphere. In Europe, this approach is called the "Third mission of universities". The article considers the use of several types of fuzzy hybrid models used in studies of the interaction between the University and the region, which improve the quality of evaluation of its effectiveness.