Nuclear Engineering and Technology (Jan 2022)
Explore the possible advantages of using thorium-based fuel in a pressurized water reactor (PWR) Part 1: Neutronic analysis
This study discusses the effect of using 232Th instead of 238U on the neutronic characteristics and the main operating parameters of the pressurized water reactor (PWR). MCNPX version 2.7 was used to compare the neutronic characteristics of UO2 with (Th, 235U)O2 and (Th, 233U) O2. Firstly, the infinity multiplication factor (Kinf), thermal neutron flux, and power distribution have been studied for the investigated fuel types. Secondly, the effect of Gd2O3 and Er2O3 on the Kinf and on the radial thermal neutron flux and thermal power has been investigated to distinguish which of them is more suitable than the other in reactivity management. Thirdly, to illustrate the effectiveness of 232Th in decreasing the inventory of both the actinides and non-actinides, the concentration of plutonium (Pu) isotopes and minor actinides (MAs) has been simulated with the fuel burnup. Besides, due to their large thermal neutron absorption cross-section, the concentrations of 135Xe, 149Sm, and 151Sm with the fuel burnup have been investigated. Finally, the main safety parameters such as the reactivity worth of the control rods (ρCR), the effective delayed neutron fraction βeff, and the Doppler reactivity coefficient (DRC) were calculated to determine to which extent these fuel types achieve the acceptable limits.