Iranian Journal of Pathology (Jul 2016)

Demsoplastic Small Round Cell Tumor:a Diagnostic and Therapeutic Dilemma

  • Moeinadin Safavi,
  • Jahanbanoo Shahryari,
  • Mohammadmehdi Moeini Aghtaei,
  • Hossein Nikpour

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 11, no. 3
pp. 255 – 260


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Desmoplastic small round cell tumor (DSCRT) is a rare variant of sarcoma with a highly aggressive behavior. It usually affects abdominal cavity and has a male predominance. Its correct diagnosis and treatment is sophisticated and requires an experienced multidisciplinary team. Hereby we present a 25 yrold man from Kerman Province in 2013 with abdominal mass and ascites who underwent sonograghy guided percutaneous needle biopsy which was misleading and inconclusive for diagnosis. Thus an open biopsy was fulfilled which revealed solid nests of small round cells with hyperchromatic nuclei and clear cytoplasm surrounded by a desmoplastic stroma suggestive for DSCRT. The diagnosis was confirmed by positive immunohitochemical reaction for cytokeratin, desmin and neuron specific enolase(NSE).Ultimately the patient underwent chemotherapy on the basis of P6 protocol without surgical debulking.Diagnosis and treatment of DSCRT could be a dilemma due to its rarity, various clinicopathologic mimickers and lack of a consensus about its management.
