Çukurova Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Dergisi (Dec 2015)
Advanced Stage Colorectal Cancer During Pregnancy: A Case Report
Colorectal cancer during reproductive ages is a rare diagnosis and it is usually of advanced stage when the diagnosis is made during pregnancy. In our case the diagnosis was made with detection of liver metastases . After the diagnosis an elective caesarean section was made both for treatment and intra-operative evaluation of abdominal cavity for future treatment procedures. Intra-operative evaluation revealed miliary disseminated liver metastases and deemed unresectable. After the operation chemotherapy was initiated however initial response to therapy was unsatisfactory and patient progressed to terminal stage shortly after. Due to overlapping symptomps of early colorectal cancer and pregnancy diagnosis is usually made through symptoms of advanced disease such as metastases. When a colorectal cancer diagnosis is made during pregnancy, disease is often of advanced nature and prognosis is poor. [Cukurova Med J 2015; 40(4.000): 807-810]