Data in Brief (Dec 2020)
Ar-DAD: Arabic diversified audio dataset
The automatic identification and verification of speakers through representative audio continue to gain the attention of many researchers with diverse domains of applications. Despite this diversity, the availability of classified and categorized multi-purpose Arabic audio libraries is scarce. Therefore, we introduce a large Arabic-based audio clips dataset (15810 clips) of 30 popular reciters cantillating 37 chapters from the Holy Quran. These chapters have a variable number of verses saved to different subsequent folders, where each verse is allocated one folder containing 30 audio clips for the declared reciters covering the same textual content. An additional 397 audio clips for 12 competent imitators of the top reciters are collected based on popularity and number of views/downloads to allow for cross-comparison of text, reciters, and authenticity. Based on the volume, quality, and rich diversity of this dataset we anticipate a wide range of deployments for speaker identification, in addition to setting a new direction for the structure and organization of similar large audio clips dataset.