Revista del Hospital Italiano de Buenos Aires (Jun 2023)
Anthropometric profile of Argentine elite Judokas
Introduction: judo is a combat sport whose competitive classification depends on body weight, intended to promote even and equitable competitions in terms of physical abilities. Advances in the sciences of training and sports nutrition have led to an improvement in the body composition of athletes, resulting in an increase in muscle mass and a decrease in adipose mass. This study aimed to estimate the body composition of judo fighters participating in the 2021 Argentine National Championship. Materials and methods: we conducted a descriptive cross-sectional study of participants of the 2021 national judo championship. We evaluated 183 judokas (51 women and 132 men) applying the ISAK measurement protocol. We used the Kerry Ross five-component fractional anatomic method to determine body composition. Results: the average for female judo players was 30.5% for adipose mass and 44.5% for muscle mass; we found no statistically significant differences in the different age groups. The average value for males was 22.4% for adipose mass and 49.1% for muscle mass; in this case, we found significant differences between the different age groups for adipose mass and muscle and bone mass. Discussion: there is a need for more studies with stratified groups according to body weight division to establish specific reference standards for the work in exercise science and nutrition. Conclusion: the optimization of the body composition of female and male judo players has a positive effect on the improvement of specific physical capacities. The data presented constitute a relevant reference for the evaluation and follow-up of judokas. The stratification by age groups and body weight division will allow a better delimitation of the values of each age category. Linking body composition with physical tests and results is considered relevant to obtain a better profile of the Argentinian judo player.