Case Reports in Obstetrics and Gynecology (Jan 2016)

A Case of Recurrent Rudimentary Horn Ectopic Pregnancies Managed by Methotrexate Therapy and Laparoscopic Excision of the Rudimentary Horn

  • Gaby N. Moawad,
  • Elias D. Abi Khalil

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Vol. 2016


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This report presents a case of a 31-year-old woman successfully treated medically for a noncommunicating rudimentary horn ectopic pregnancy who presented with a second, successive rudimentary horn pregnancy. Patient underwent laparoscopic excision of right rudimentary horn and right salpingectomy after failed methotrexate therapy. Given the potential for rupture and recurrence, serious efforts should be made to excise a uterine rudimentary horn.