Impact of Pre-Existing History of Heart Failure on Patient Profile, Therapeutic Management, and Prognosis in Cardiogenic Shock: Insights from the FRENSHOCK Registry
Guillaume Schurtz,
Clément Delmas,
Margaux Fenouillet,
François Roubille,
Etienne Puymirat,
Laurent Bonello,
Guillaume Leurent,
Basile Verdier,
Bruno Levy,
Julien Ternacle,
Brahim Harbaoui,
Gerald Vanzetto,
Nicolas Combaret,
Benoît Lattuca,
Cedric Bruel,
Jeremy Bourenne,
Vincent Labbé,
Patrick Henry,
Éric Bonnefoy-Cudraz,
Nicolas Lamblin,
Gilles Lemesle
Guillaume Schurtz
USIC et Centre Hémodynamique, Institut Coeur Poumon, Centre Hospitalier Universitaire de Lille, 59000 Lille, France
Clément Delmas
Intensive Cardiac Care Unit, Rangueil University Hospital/Institute of Metabolic and Cardiovascular Diseases (I2MC), UMR-1048, National Institute of Health and Medical Research (INSERM), 1 Avenue Jean Poulhes, 31059 Toulouse, France
Margaux Fenouillet
USIC et Centre Hémodynamique, Institut Coeur Poumon, Centre Hospitalier Universitaire de Lille, 59000 Lille, France
François Roubille
Cardiology Department, INI-CRT, CHU de Montpellier, PhyMedExp, Université de Montpellier, INSERM, CNRS, 34000 Montpellier, France
Etienne Puymirat
Department of Cardiology, Assistance Publique des Hôpitaux de Paris, 75000 Paris, France
Laurent Bonello
Cardiology Department, APHM, Mediterranean Association for Research and Studies in Cardiology (MARS Cardio), Centre for CardioVascular and Nutrition Research (C2VN), Aix-Marseille University, INSERM 1263, INRA 1260, 13000 Marseille, France
Guillaume Leurent
Department of Cardiology, CHU Rennes, Inserm, LTSI-UMR 1099, University Rennes 1, 35000 Rennes, France
Basile Verdier
USIC et Centre Hémodynamique, Institut Coeur Poumon, Centre Hospitalier Universitaire de Lille, 59000 Lille, France
Bruno Levy
Service de Réanimation Médicale Brabois, CHRU Nancy, Pôle Cardio-Médico-Chirurgical, INSERM U1116, Faculté de Médecine, Vandoeuvre-les-Nancy, Université de Lorraine, 54000 Nancy, France
Julien Ternacle
Hôpital Cardiologique Haut-Lévêque, Centre Hospitalier Universitaire de Bordeaux, 33318 Pessac, France
Brahim Harbaoui
Cardiology Department, Hôpital Croix-Rousse and Hôpital Lyon Sud, Hospices Civils de Lyon, 69000 Lyon, France
Gerald Vanzetto
Department of Cardiology, Hôpital de Grenoble, 38000 Grenoble, France
Nicolas Combaret
Department of Cardiology, CHU Clermont-Ferrand, CNRS, Université Clermont Auvergne, 63000 Clermont-Ferrand, France
Benoît Lattuca
Department of Cardiology, Nîmes University Hospital, Montpellier University, 30000 Nîmes, France
Cedric Bruel
Medical and Surgical Intensive Care Unit, Groupe Hospitalier Paris Saint Joseph, 75000 Paris, France
Jeremy Bourenne
Service de Réanimation des Urgences, CHU La Timone 2, Aix Marseille Université, 13000 Marseille, France
Vincent Labbé
Medical Intensive Care Unit, AP-HP, Tenon University Hospital, 75000 Paris, France
Patrick Henry
Department of Cardiology, Assistance Publique-Hôpitaux de Paris, INSERM U942, University of Paris, 75000 Paris, France
Éric Bonnefoy-Cudraz
Intensive Cardiological Care Division, Hospices Civils de Lyon-Hôpital Cardiovasculaire et Pulmonaire, 69000 Lyon, France
Nicolas Lamblin
Cardiology Department, Heart and Lung Institute, University Hospital of Lille, 59000 Lille, France
Gilles Lemesle
USIC et Centre Hémodynamique, Institut Coeur Poumon, Centre Hospitalier Universitaire de Lille, 59000 Lille, France
There is a large heterogeneity among patients presenting with cardiogenic shock (CS). It is crucial to better apprehend this heterogeneity in order to adapt treatments and improve prognoses in these severe patients. Notably, the presence (or absence) of a pre-existing history of chronic heart failure (CHF) at time of CS onset may be a significant part of this heterogeneity, and data focusing on this aspect are lacking. We aimed to compare CS patients with new-onset HF to those with worsening CHF in the multicenter FRENSHOCK registry. Altogether, 772 CS patients were prospectively included: 433 with a previous history of CHF and 339 without. Worsening CHF patients were older (68 +/− 13.4 vs. 62.7 +/− 16.2, p p p = 0.029). Our results emphasize the great heterogeneity of the patients presenting with CS. Worsening CHF patients had higher risk profiles, and this translated to a 30% increase in in-hospital all-cause mortality. The heterogeneity of this population prompts us to better determine the phenotype of CS patients to adapt their management.