Journal of Applied Computer Science & Mathematics (Jan 2008)
Multi Agent Systems to Set Up Virtual Enterprises
This work presents a model of organizing moreenterprises into a virtual or a web enterprise. To constitutevirtual enterprises multiagent systems are utilized.In this sense the following are to be considered:elaborating a model to constitute the virtual enterprise, theimplementation of a multiagent system based on this modeland the testing and evaluation of the system performances,comparing them with more classic types of realization.In this paper, we describe how the multi-agentarchitecture can be used to support Virtual Enterprises(VE). We have focused on understanding how aVE is formedand, in particular, how the partners of a VE are selected. Wetryto analyse this scenario in the form of an AgentInteraction Protocol (AIP) and then discuss how the multiagentarchitecrure can be used to support this process.Our working definition of a VE is: a team of partners thatcollaborate to achieve a specific goal. The partners may behuman beings, organisations or software agents. We believethat software agents, hereafter referred to as agents, are asuitable means of representing the partners of a VE. Oneimportant reason is that by representing the partners of aVE as agents and by delegating agents to look for the nextVE and conduct the negotiation on behalf of the partners, thepartners would then have the time to do the actual workrequired in the current VE.At the end of the paper we will present an experimentalsystem for the architecture of a virtual enterprise.