口腔疾病防治 (Oct 2018)
The effect of the osteoimmunomodulatory mechanism on implant osseointegration and bone biomaterials in⁃ duced bone regeneration
With the development of implant dentistry and biomaterials, dental implants have become the first reha⁃ bilitative option proposed for the treatment of missing teeth. Most studies about dental implants and biomaterials current⁃ ly focus on osteogenesis and the osseointegration of the implant, neglecting the importance of the immune response. In recent years, the development of osteoimmunology has been one of the greatest achievements in bone biomaterials; osteo⁃ immunology has revealed the vital role of immune cells in regulating bone dynamics, implying the value of studies on materials with favorable osteoimmunomodulatory properties. This article reviews the integration between bone tissue and implants and summarizes the effects of the immune response during osseointegration and new bone formation to show the importance of regulating the immune response in this process. The effect of macrophages on osteogenesis and osteo⁃ clastogenesis is then reviewed due to the high plasticity and multiple roles of macrophages during this process. Accord⁃ ingly, the interaction between the implants, the immune systems and the skeletal system is explained, showing the poten⁃ tial value of osteoimmunomodulation as a biological principle for developing bone biomaterials and new types of im⁃ plants.