Corrigendum to “Modeling, simulation and optimization of solid fuel bread ovens commonly used in developing countries” [Heliyon 7(2), (February 2021) Article e06184]
C.F. Kouemou Hatou,
G. Tchuen,
P. Woafo
C.F. Kouemou Hatou
LaMSEBP: Laboratory of Modelling and Simulation in Engineering, Biomimetic and Prototypes, Department of Physic, University of Yaoundé 1, Po Box 812, Yaoundé Cameroon; LISIE: Laboratory of Engineering, Industrials and Environmental Systems, University Institute of Technology – FOTSO VICTOR Badjoun (I.U.T- FV), University of DSCHANG Cameroon, Po Box 134 Bandjoun Cameroon
G. Tchuen
LISIE: Laboratory of Engineering, Industrials and Environmental Systems, University Institute of Technology – FOTSO VICTOR Badjoun (I.U.T- FV), University of DSCHANG Cameroon, Po Box 134 Bandjoun Cameroon
P. Woafo
LaMSEBP: Laboratory of Modelling and Simulation in Engineering, Biomimetic and Prototypes, Department of Physic, University of Yaoundé 1, Po Box 812, Yaoundé Cameroon; Corresponding author.