South African Journal of Childhood Education (Sep 2015)
Fostering pre-service teachers’ motivation-related practical wisdom through a mentoring procedure
This article introduces a procedure aimed at fostering pre-service teachers’ reflective thinking and practical wisdom and encouraging them to adopt a theory-based view of promoting learners’ motivation while taking into account learners’ different motivational profiles. The procedure is based on a study about the promotion of science-related motivation among students with different motivational orientations by employing an inquiry-based science teaching approach and out-of-school learning, as well as supporting learners’ basic psychological needs, in order to provide relevant and meaningful conditions for learning. The procedure for pre-service teacher education encompasses lessons intended to familiarize student teachers with theoretical perspectives, authentic case studies of learners with different motivational orientations, support for lesson planning, and reflection on the implemented plans. The described procedure may be used in teacher education during mentoring sessions in practicum periods.