INCAS Bulletin (Jun 2010)

Evaluation of High Lift System with Oscillatory Blowing in 2.5D Configuration

  • Cǎtǎlin NAE

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 2, no. 2
pp. 75 – 83


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Following the successful results of the test campaign on 2D configuration of the oscillatoryblowing system in the flap gap of the INCAS F15 wind tunnel model, extensive evaluation of the 2.5Deffects have been initiated in order to enable solid understanding of the fluidic integrationsmechanisms and to validate this technology at a higher TRL level. Initial experiments on 2Dconfiguration were based on work performed in AVERT EU FP6 project where the oscillatory flapgap blowing system was designed and tested on a INCAS F15 2D wing model. In 2.5D test cases thiswork has been extended so that the proposed system may be selected as a mature technology in theJTI Clean Sky, Smart Fixed Wing Aircraft ITD. New experimental setup was used and also updatedelectronics for the blowing system have been introduces. This was complemented by a new extensionfor the data acquisition system and visualization tools. Complex post-processing of the experimentaldata was mainly oriented towards system efficiency and TRL evaluation for this active technology.
