تاریخ اسلام (Aug 2020)
biography of Jaber ibn e- Abdullah e- Ansari: Verbal or Written?
Jaber ibn e- Abdullah e- Ansari was one of the followers of Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) and outstanding in the domain of jurisprudence, interpretation, hadith and history. He was considered as a pioneer in relation to narrating the events in time of Prophet Mohammad (PBUH), holding reports regarding this era that were registered by the ancient Shiite and Sunnite historians, narrators and scholars of hadith. Whether these narrations in the domain of history and life of the Prophet are written or verbal is the question answering to it is of great significance in many aspects. First, being aware of the position of Jaber in registering the life history in the class of followers of Prophet and second, supposing the approval of its written form is the reaction to those who denied the written tradition of hadith in the first century After Hijrah and the most important of all is finding a way towards the renovation of written and missing sources of that era. This article investigates this issue by taking advantage of historical and authoritative sources and following a descriptive-analytical method based on the historical documents as well as the regulations of distinguishing verbal and written narrations. The findings of the present research illustrate whatever has been reported in relation to the life of the Prophet by Jaber originates from the written complications that his students have registered a new version of them and transferred to the later generation.