Journal of Community Health Research (Jun 2020)
Relationship between Demographic Characteristics, Depression and Insomnia with Restless Legs Syndrome: a Case-Control Study of Adults Aged 17-70 Years in Yazd
Introduction: Restless legs syndrome (RLS) is a neurological-motor disorder in which most patients tend to shake their legs during sleep and describe it as an unpleasant feeling. The aims of this study were to determine the prevalence of RLS, its relationship with demographic characteristics, depression, and insomnia and comparison of the mentioned variables in the group with and without RLS. Methods: This was a case-control analytic study. The sample consisted of 429 adults aged 17-70 years who had referred all the psychiatric and neurological clinics of Yazd (center of Iran) in 2019. Participants were selected by cluster sampling method. Research tools included a demographic questionnaire, the Beck Depression Inventory (BDI-II), Insomnia Severity Index (ISI), and an International Restless Legs Syndrome Questionnaire (IRLSQ). The data were analyzed by SPSS-21, chi-square, Pearson correlation coefficient, independent t-test, and linear regression. Significant level was considered 0.05. Results: The mean and standard deviation of the age of participants was 34.43± 10.82. Furthermore, the mean and standard deviation of the age group with RLS was 36.07± 10.95 while in group without RLS was 33.92± 10.75. Prevalence of RLS in adults was 23.5% (n= 101), in women was 32% (n= 66) and in men was 28.7% (n= 35). The t-test showed patients with RLS had a higher degree of depression and insomnia than those without RLS (p<0.05). Multiple linear regression also showed that insomnia (β= 0.36), age (β= 0.13), and depression (β= 0.15) had a significant effect on RLS score. Conclusion: The prevalence of RLS among adults in Yazd is high. Severe insomnia, depressed mood, and aging are considered as important factors in predicting this disease. According to what was mentioned early detection, prevention, and treatment of this disorder in adults is necessary.