Вестник Самарского университета: История, педагогика, филология (Dec 2023)
Review on the collection of documents: Famine in the Middle Volga region in the 20–30-ies of the XX century. Vol. 1. Paramonov V.N. (Ed.) Famine in the Samara province in the 20-ies of the XX century. Samara, 2014. 514 р.; Vol. 2. Paramonov V.N. (Ed.) Famine in the Middle Volga region in the 30-ies of the XX century. Samara, 2021. 798 р.
The peer-reviewed two-volume publication of documents was prepared by Samara archivists (responsible compiler Dubrovina E.N.) under the supervision of Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor Paramonov V.N. The authors set out to recreate a multifactorial complex documentary picture of the social humanitarian tragedy of the 1920–1930-ies in the Samara province and the Middle Volga region. The implementation of this task required a lot of effort and many years of work. The first volume, entitled «Famine in the Samara Province in the 20-ies of the XX century», is more than 32 printed sheets (514 p.) was published in 2014, the second – «Famine in the Middle Volga Territory in the 30-ies of the XX century», with a volume of 50 printed sheets (798 p.) was published in 2021. Both volumes contain 718 documents from six local and central archives, as well as a number of published collections of documents. Such a voluminous publication significantly supplements the factual base of previous editions, primarily due to materials from local archives. The scientific and reference apparatus of the publication has been professionally completed; archaeographic processing of documents was carried out at a high level. The publication under review is a significant event in historical knowledge and allows in many respects to take a different look at the events of the 1920–1930-ies.