Новые технологии (Apr 2024)
Investigation of the amino acid composition of gluten-free biscuit with carob
The article studies the amino acid composition of the developed biscuit semi-finished products. When developing the recipe for gluten-free products, special attention was paid to the protein composition of the raw materials and the calculation of the amino acid score, since the lack of a certain amino acid affects the ability of gluten formation during the kneading process. In addition, an unbalanced amino acid composition can cause an imbalance in the human body and negatively affect the functioning of muscles, heart, brain and other organs, leading to diseases. The objectives of the research included the following: determination of the amino acid composition of gluten-free biscuit semi-finished products; analysis of amino acid composition and calculation of the amino acid score of gluten-free biscuit products. The amino acid composition was calculated according to well-known methods, taking into account the chemical composition of food products. During the calculation, the biological value of proteins was assessed, the utility coefficient, the amino acid composition balance coefficient, and the amino acid score difference coefficient were determined. It was established that the developed gluten-free biscuit contained a significant amount of threonine, namely 11.38 g per 100 g of protein. As a result of calculations, it was determined that the first limiting amino acid was tryptophan, the second was the compound «phenylalanine + tyrosine», the shares of which in the amino acid score were 0.12 and 0.90, respectively. An assessment of the complex balance of a gluten-free biscuit semi-finished product showed an insufficient level of balance in human nutrition, but the indicators of individual amino acids compared to the control made from wheat flour were higher, for example, valine by 1.8 times, isoleucine, leucine and lysine by 1.1 times, metheonine + cysteine 2.7 times and threonine 2.8 times.