Duazary (Jul 2016)
Epidemiological aspects of sepsis in intensive care units Santa Marta, Colombia
Determine the epidemiological aspects of sepsis in patients treated in adult intensive care units in Santa Marta. A descriptive, cross-sectional study in 2014, simple random sampling, in patients seen in adult intensive care units (UCIA) in Santa Marta, a sample of 100 patients older than 18 years diagnosed with sepsis was used variables They studied were age, sex, causal agent, main sources of infection among others. As a result it was found that the average age of cases was 63, the main causative organisms were gram-negative bacteria with 76%, the Escherichia coli, Klebsiella pneumoniae, Pseudomonas and Serratia marcensens aureuginosa more isolated, secondly the Gram positive bacteria with 20%, mainly Staphylococcus aureus, fungi and finally with 4% being Candida albicans and Candida haemulonii causing yeast. The most common sources of infection are; abdominal (30%), followed by the urinary tract (22%) and skin and soft tissue (18%). It is concluded that the main causative agents are gram negative sepsis bacteria and the main infectious primary focus is the abdominal sepsis