Омский научный вестник: Серия "Общество. История. Современность" (Dec 2019)
Creative leadership of Manager as managerial competence: value-oriented approach. Part II
In the presented second part of the article the ego, micro and macro factors influencing the formation and development of creative leadership as a managerial competence are revealed. The first group of factors includes value-orientation component, health, psychological aspects of personality, level of education, professionalism and qualification, morality, creative, emotional and communicative potential. The second and third groups include factors, respectively, internal and external environment of the enterprise. The index of creative leadership as the managerial competence of the employee and its components is described by the analytical method. The results of factor analysis of the necessary and sufficient conditions for the formation and development of creative leadership as a managerial competence based on value-oriented approach are shown. They allowed to model in practice the influence of value-oriented motivation of the head as a creative leader on the innovative development of the enterprise, as well as to identify the actions of managers leading to degradation of employees and enterprise