تحقیقات بازار یابی نوین (Jun 2015)
Investigating effects of relationship marketing tactics on customer satisfaction and loyalty(Iran Insurance Company)
Nowadays, most insurance companies due to the rapid changes in competitive situations and conditions prevailing in the market have given priority to attract and retain business customers because without a doubt this way is the best way to increase their profitability. Insurance companies in order to ensure continuity of relationships with customers, following the design and implementation of strategies that will continually improve its relationships with policyholders. this study is an applied research with descriptive analytical methodology. A structural equation modelling approach is employed to examine the relationship posited in this study. this research was carried out among Iran Insurance Company policyholders in Ghaemsgahr city and 400 questionnaires were distributed to collect data. the collected data were analyzed through SPSS22 and LISREL8.8. the result of research showed that perception of price and suggested value are meaningful positive impact on satisfaction and satisfaction on loyalty.