Midas: Museus e Estudos Interdisciplinares (May 2022)

(Re)criar o património: levantamento de tendências na programação de residências artísticas em Portugal

  • Ana Gago

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 14


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The research project “(Re)creating Heritage” aims to identify contemporary practices and trends in cultural programming of heritage-based artist-in-residence initiatives. In this short article, we will discuss the preliminary findings from a survey on 58 Portuguese artist-in-residence programmes developed from 2004 to 2020. The discussion is preceded by a brief problematization, placing the project at the intersection between heritage studies and artistic studies. The constraints caused by COVID-19 pandemic to the project are explored, including the impact on the programming of artistic residencies. We highlight the importance of museums as promoters of artist-in-residence programmes, as a way to increase participation of local publics and communities in post-pandemic times.
