Analele Ştiinţifice ale Universităţii "Al.I. Cuza" din Iaşi. Ştiinţe Juridice (Jun 2021)
Fenomenul aculturației juridice – noțiuni preliminare, limite și implicarea globalizării//The phenomenon of legal acculturation – preliminary notions, limits and involvement of the globalization
Legal acculturation involves a recognition of values, followed by the assimilation and then transformation of the legal norm, adapting it to the needs of the lending company. The phenomenon occurs as a result of direct contact between civilizations and generates reciprocal changes, of a legislative nature. The process of legal acculturation also involves the phenomenon of globalization. Can we argue that taking over the rules from foreign legislation can also bring disadvantages to one's own legal system? Can imitation of foreign legal norms be far from the truth, as Plato suggested? Through this paper, we examined the definition and content of legal acculturation. Then, we analyzed the relationship between globalization and legal acculturation, using predominantly foreign sources. Thus, we discovered that, depending on the intensity of the dialogue between civilizations, we are talking about variable results in the legal systems of the world.