Stiinta Agricola (Dec 2020)

Реакция конского каштана обыкновенного (Aesculus hippocastanum L.) на омолаживающую обрезку в городских условиях степной зоны Украины


Journal volume & issue
no. 2
pp. 79 – 84


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The reaction of horse chestnut to rejuvenation pruning has been studied by the following morphophysiological parameters: water regime, pigments content, morphometric parameters of annual growth and organs of assimilation. In the course of the study, it was found that the leaves of rejuvenated plants are characterized by a lower water retention capacity and a significant water deficit compared to control plants. The intensity of transpiration of the experimental plants exceeds this indicator by 1.55-2.60 times compared to the control trees. The chlorophyll content in the leaves of rejuvenated plants is also higher by an average of 20% (especially chlorophyll b). An intensification of growth processes is observed after crown pruning, especially the length of annual shoot due to the length of internodes. The size and number of assimilation organs also increases in rejuvenated horse chestnut trees.
