آداب الكوفة (Feb 2013)

Mr. Hasan Modarres and his political role in Iran 1870-1937 AD

  • Ahmed Alalaq

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 1, no. 17


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The personality of Mr. Ayatollah Hassan Modarres is one of the well-known Iranian religious and political figures, and his role has clearly emerged since the events of the Iranian Constitutional Movement (1905-1911 AD), where he had a clear role in all of those events, then the activity of Mr. Hassan Modarres expanded during the years of the First World War And beyond, to constitute a vital element in combating tyranny and injustice that Iranian society was suffering from, due to the foreign presence in the country and its consolidation and support for the armed resistance movements that Iran witnessed during those years, perhaps foremost among which was the movement of the Gilan region. Mr. Mudarres also had a clear role in the period that followed the First World War and his resistance and leadership of the demonstrations calling for the independence of Iran and the exit of the foreign occupation, especially the British, from Iran. Adversaries of the policy of Iranian governments. Mr. Mudarres completed his role even after the dissolution of the Qajar family and Reza Shah Pahlavi's accession to power. However, the history of his struggle during the rule of that family did not last long, so he was soon physically liquidated by the Iranian security forces and at the personal behest of Shah Reza Pahlavi, thus turning the page of his bitter jihad and struggle . The research is divided into an introduction, three sections, and a conclusion. The first section sheds light on the family in which Mr. Mudarres was raised and his religious and scientific upbringing, while the second section sheds light on the role of Mr. Mudarres in the midst of the events that Iran witnessed during the period 1905-1918 AD. The third is the struggle of Mr. Modarres and his opposition to foreign policy trends in Iran until his death in 1937 AD. The research relied on many published Persian documents such as statements, letters, and reports that dealt in detail with the role of Mr. Mudarres in very important Iranian events. The research also relied on a wide range of Persian and Arabic books and references, and a number of English and other sources.
