A case of community-acquired spondylodiscitis caused by Achromobacter xylosoxidans
T. Brochet,
M. Tonnelier,
E. Justinien,
A.-L. Lecapitaine,
A. Bouras
T. Brochet
Infectious Diseases Department, CH Compiègne, Noyon, France; Correspondence to: Department of Infectious Diseases, Compiègne Hospital, ZAC de Mercières, 8 Av. Henri Adnot, 60200 Compiègne, France.
M. Tonnelier
Infectious Diseases Department, CH Compiègne, Noyon, France
E. Justinien
Endocrinology Department, CH Compiègne, Noyon, France
A.-L. Lecapitaine
Infectious Diseases Department, CH Compiègne, Noyon, France
A. Bouras
Infectious Diseases Department, CH Compiègne, Noyon, France
Achromobacter xylosoxidans is a Gram-negative, aerobic, non-fermenting bacillus mainly responsible for nosocomial infections. We report the first case of community-acquired spondylodiscitis caused by Achromobacter xylosoxidans in a 61-year-old woman, immunocompromised with necrotizing dermohypodermitis of the right lower limb successfully treated with ertapenem and ciprofloxacin.